Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports mission statement: At Maple Grove, we will provide a positive, safe, responsible and respectful environment in which all students have the opportunity to become positive leaders in their school and community.
Maple Grove is a Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports school. PBIS is an approach for supporting students’ academic success by making schools safer and more supportive for all students. The Maple Grove staff reinforces and recognizes students who are being safe, respectful and responsible at school. Wildcat paws are given to students who are meeting behavioral expectations.
Classes save up their Wildcat paws until they have collected enough to add to our school collection jar. Once that school collection jar is full, the entire school is rewarded with a Spirit Day! Students are also acknowledged each month for following our CATS principles.
Create a Safe Environment
Act Responsibly
Treat Others With Respect
Strive for Excellence
Being a PBIS school, it is important that we set appropriate behavioral expectations for all students in all areas at school. Three times a year all students participate in our Expectations Fair where we review the type of expected behaviors staff should see from all students. Rewarding students for exhibiting these expected behaviors increases student moral, teamwork and overall positive attitudes about improving in school.
Below is an example of our Classroom Expectations poster and Math Academy Expectations Matrix. Students help create and set the expectations for their behavior while they are at school.
Classroom Expectations
Create a Safe Environment
Keep body to self
Move safely
Act Responsibly
Keep room organized and neat
Do your work
Ignore distractions
Treat Others with Respect
Follow directions
Use kind words Voice level - teacher directed
Share with others
Strive for Excellence
Use words to solve problems
Do your best
Try something new
Behavior Expectation Videos were created for 10 designated areas around our school. These videos can be viewed through the link that is attached or you can go directly to the poster. Each of our expectation posters will have a QR code placed in the bottom right hand corner, above the Wildcat logo. By using a smart phone or tablet with a QR code reader app, the QR code will take you directly to the video. Still unsure what we are talking about? Take a look….
Our goal is that if students need a reminder on what type of behaviors are acceptable around our school, theses videos will show them what those behaviors look like.